
You never grow up in San Francisco

An Easter Sunday tradition in San Francisco is the Bring Your Own Big Wheel Race. It started in 2001 on Lombard street ("the crookedest street in the world") but moved to Potrero Hill and Vermont street.


Only in San Francisco...

... where reality and fantasy come together can you see something like this. Enjoy!


Happy Easter

A very Happy Easter to all our friends in the US, France, Sweden, Japan, Germany, China, UK, Holland, Hungary, Spain, Mexico, Canada, India, Egypt, Italy and... did I leave anyone out, Sarah?


Pic of love

Jake keeps on chucking me awesome drone pics. This is my current favorite: Sunset over the Marin Headlands. Being struck by awe is an understatement.


Let's have a look at the menu, shall we?

Sarah took this cool pic downtown SF today. This is sooo San Francisco!

From Sarah


This is something new folks

OK guys. Ever wondered how a First Person Action Movie would look like? That is, a movie shot like an FPS video game. Well Hardcore Henry is exactly that. Take a look at the trailer below. You better brace yourself for this will probably be the ride of your life!


A Robotic Rights Act, anyone?

In 2009 I saw a video from Boston Dynamics with BigDog, a robot walking through snow and slippery icy roads. This is their more humanesque version of it - Atlas. And yes, it's still just as hilarious when it almost falls over because of cyberbullying or obstacles!


Feeling lost in The Sky?

So, what are you gonna be doing in No Man's Sky? There are 18,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in the game. How is it meant to be played? Gamespot has some answers.