
My sunshine

Sarah doesn't like it when I snapshot her without her knowing it. This is on a small community beach in Arguineguin, a small town situated in the far south of the island.

From phone


The infinite blue

The infinite ocean right outside our window. This is how it should be.

From phone


Fun to be back

Holá Las Palmas! 9 years ago, Sarah did a job here and now we're back. It feels so good to travel again!

From phone


Hello world!

It feels like forever since I set foot on an airport. But here I am!

From phone


Finally we get to meet

Sarah has managed to snatch a work permit in Spain. She is so happy to be able to fly out of the country. And as my government has yet to let me fly to the US fully insured, I'll be meeting up with wifey in Spain next week. First time in 18 months!!



Sarah went to the first Shake Shack in SF the other day. Better than In-N-Out? Try it out yourself. The City is finally opening up again :-)

From Sarah